A Message from Our Chair

“Not only is our department strong, vibrant and growing, our medical center is unique in its commitment to kindhearted, state-of-the-art care. Psychiatry is a valued and admired department, and that well-deserved respect comes not only from the work of our faculty, but also from the outstanding contributions of our residents.” Robert Findling, M.D., M.B.A.

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A Message from Our Chair A Message from Our Chair
VCU Psychiatry: Welcome from the Chair

VCU Psychiatry’s Dr. Kelsey Hagan Advances Collaborative Eating Disorder Program

hagan article eating disorders

VCU Psychiatry’s Dr. Kelsey Hagan Advances Collaborative Eating Disorder Program

Cross-Departmental Initiatives to Bring Evidence-Based Care to Historically Overlooked Patients

Eating disorders (EDs) kill someone every 52 minutes in the US.  Among mental illnesses, only opioid use disorder is deadlier. Yet, it is estimated that only 10% of people with eating disorders get treatment. Through a new collaborative cross-departmental program, Dr. Kelsey Hagan in VCU School of Medicine’s Psychiatry Department and Dr. Ann Haynos from the university’s Psychology Department, aim to provide lifesaving research, training, and evidence-based treatment to this underserved population.

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People, Passion, and Promise

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People, Passion, and Promise

Chair of Psychiatry Dr. Robert Findling discusses the Department’s achievements, past and future.

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VCU and VAMC Research Partnerships Boost Veteran Mental Health Care


VCU and VAMC Research Partnerships Boost Veteran Mental Health Care

VCU works year-round to improve the lives of veterans through collaborations with the Richmond Veterans Affairs Medical Center (RICVAMC). From monthly joint research meetings to ongoing studies, the relationship advances veteran mental health care in Central Virginia and beyond.

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Dr. Antonia Swink Leading the Geriatric Psychiatry Program

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Dr. Antonia Swink Leading the Geriatric Psychiatry Program

The World Health Organization estimates that by 2030 one in six people will be age 60 or older. That segment of the global population is expected to further double by 2050. Sometimes called the graying of America here in the US, every community must work to adapt to the increased proportion of elderly members.  

VCU Psychiatry is embracing the challenge with the Geriatric Psychiatry Program spearheaded by Assistant Professor Dr. Antonia Swink. 


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We are proud to treat a diverse population of patients in Central Virginia, many of whom are critically ill and from historically disadvantaged groups. The Department of Psychiatry reaffirms the core values of human dignity and of mutual, unconditional respect, and we acknowledge our responsibility to condemn all forms of discrimination. Members of our leadership team, faculty and staff serve on various DEI committees. 

Learn More About our Commitment to DEI

Education and Training Programs


Our robust residency program provides comprehensive training across the broad, rewarding field of psychiatry. With a supportive learning environment, unparalleled access to highly specialized mentors and a diverse patient population, we are proud to prepare the next generation of physicians for fulfilling careers as psychiatrists.

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The Department of Psychiatry offers highly specialized training in three post-residency fellowships. Each accredited program provides comprehensive clinical, research and leadership opportunities to prepare fellows for successful careers in academic or private practice.

Other Training Programs

Other Training Programs We also offer pre-clinical and postdoctoral training in clinical psychology, field placements for graduate students at the VCU School of Social Work and a week-long summer program for medical students interested in the field of psychiatry.


Divisions, Institutes and Centers

Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics

The VIPBG is an interdisciplinary institute bringing together faculty devoted to understanding the etiology of psychiatric and substance abuse disorders and other major biomedical conditions with substantial behavioral components using a range of genetically informed methods.

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800 Leigh Street

Center for Human-Animal Interaction

The Center for Human-Animal Interaction is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improved health and well-being through interaction with companion animals. Our interdisciplinary clinical, research and educational programs are made possible by the generosity of our supporters and volunteers.

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Cute Therapy Dog with human

VCU Psychiatry Ranked 14th in Nation for Funding

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VCU Psychiatry Ranked 14th in Nation for Funding

The VCU Department of Psychiatry ranked 14th in the nation for NIH funding in 2023, as compiled by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research


Dr. Kendler Reaches #1 Rank

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Dr. Kendler Reaches #1 Rank

Congratulations to Dr. Kenneth Kendler on achieving the Number 1 lifetime ranking among all scholars worldwide in Psychiatry!

Dr. Kendler on ScholarGPS